Practical information • Kattegat Strand Camping
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Opening hours

Reception and campsite:
Open from the 31st of Marts 2023 to the 17th of September 2023
Low season (31/3-23/6) & (20/8 – 17/9) from 8:00 – 21:00
Mid season (23/6-7/7) & (6/8-20/8) from 8:00-21:00
Peak season (7/7-6/8) from 8:00 – 22:00

The phone is open from 08:00 – 18:00 in the low season
During the peak season the phone is open in open from 08:00-22:00

Kiosk / grill bar/ pizzeria:
Low season
Monday – thursday: closed
Friday: 15:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 07:30 – 10:30 & 16:00 – 20:00
Sunday: 07:30 – 10:30
Holidays: 7:30 – 21:00

Peak season
Open all days from 7:30 – 22:00


Arrival and departure

Check-in 12:00 – 22:00
Check-in Family cabins & tipi 15:00 – 22:00
Please note, if you arrive outside our opening hours, contact us on +45 9858 8032 or by email

Check-out peak season (week 26 to 34) from  8:00 -­ 12:00
Check-out peak season (week 26 to 34) for family cabins and tipis from 8:00 – 10:00
Check-out low season from 8:00 – 14:00
Check-out for family cabins and tipis low season from 8:00 – 10:00


Dogs are very welcome at Kattegat Strand Camping.
We have an enclosed dog park at the northern end of the campsite, and there are great opportunities to go for walks on the beach (with leash)
It is also possibile to wash your dog in service building 2.

We have rules that all dog owners must comply with.
Furthermore, remember to take other campers into consideration – it may happen that your neighbour has allergies or maybe isn’t too fond of your dog.

Important information and rules:

  • The daily price for dogs is DKK 20 in low season, DKK 30 in mid-season and DKK 40 in peak season.
    (Dogs in family cabins and tipis from DKK 150 to 300)
  • Dogs must always be kept on a leash.
  • REMEMBER to pick up your dog’s waste! Should you forget a dog waste bag, we have dog waste bags multiple places at the campsite. You can also get them free of charge at the reception.
  • Dogs are not allowed in the pool area, in the service buildings and in our mini zoo.
  • Dogs are welcome in the restaurant

At Kattegat Strand Camping you can get on the Wi-Fi for free. We have chosen to include Wi-Fi in the price, so you can stay connected during your holiday. We run on a new fiber network connection (1000/1000 Mbit/s) and most of the campsite, approx. 80%, is within the wifi coverage area. 

Electricity on the campsite

Electricity DKK 55,- per day
Senior electricity (low season) DKK 35,-
All pitches have the possibility of electricity (10-16 amp. connection).
Please remember to bring an approved CEE connector.
The CEE connector can be purchased in the reception, price DKK 150,-

Electric and hybrid vehicles

At Kattegat Strand Camping you can charge your electric car or hybrid car.
We have 2 charging points on the campsite, type 2 AC 11 kW.
Price DKK 45/hour – charging cable is provided at reception.

Due to fire hazard, it is not permitted to charge electric and hybrid cars on the pitch or next to the cabin.

In Øster Hurup there are 2 units e-ON 11 kW chargers.
At Lille Vildmosecenter (10 km from the campsite) there are 4 Clever Type 2 AC 22 kW

Rules for all campers

The campsite must be quiet between 23:00 and 7:00. During this time, all loud music, noise and driving on the campsite is prohibited.
However, cars are allowed to drive from the driveway to the unit, but not around the campsite.
MAX. speed in car is 15 km/h.

Daytime guests (8:00 – 22:00) have to come by the reception before entering the campsite. 
Guests costs DKK 50,- (incl. swimming pool, playgrounds, mini zoo service facilities, etc) “Coffee guests” costs DKK 35,- (low season).
Overnight guests costs a person fee. 
Guest cars must park in the car park on our parking ground outside for free. 
Guest car on the campsite: DKK 35,- 

Fire regulations
Remember to keep a fire distance of 3 meters from the neighbour.
Guest visits are from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Price from DKK 35/person. Admission incl. access to swimming pool DKK 50/person.

The gate to the campsite is open from 7:00 – 23:00. As a camper, you get a personal code for our tollbooth, so you can drive in and out freely during opening hours.
IMPORTANT! The code must be entered each time and cannot be given to guests.

Regler for leje af autocamper

I højsæsonen fra fredag kl. 16.00 til fredag kl. 11.00. Øvrige perioder kan autocamperen afhentes på udlejers adresse kl. 16:00 og skal afleveres på slutdagen senest kl. 11:00.

Personen som er registreret som lejer af autocamperen skal være fyldt 28 år og have dansk kørekort. Hvis der er mere end lejeren som chauffør af autocamperen skal øvrige fører af autocamperen også være fyldt 28 år, være registreret med navn på lejekontrakten og have fremvist gyldigt dansk kørekort.  Ved afhentning af autocamperen, tages der kopi af lejerens kørekort, og dem der i øvrigt måtte være registreret som fører af autocamperen. 

Det er ikke tilladt at ryge i autocamperen. Overholdes dette ikke, vil autocamperen blive rengjort på lejers regning. Minimumspris kr. 5000,- 

Det er tilladt at have hund/kat med i autocamperen. Hunde må dog max vejer 12 kg. Det er ikke tilladt at lade hunde ligge i sengene og ligger de i stole- eller sofaerne bedes man lægge et tæppe for at skåne møblerne. Vi vil dog anbefale man har et bur til sit dyr. Reparation af inventar/møbler som er ødelagt ved hundebid, er bekosteligt at reparerer. 

Betaling af leje:
50% af lejen betales ved reservation, dog minimum 5.500,- kr. Resten af lejen betales 4 uger før lejestart / afhentning. Overskridelse af betalingsbetingelserne betragtes som afbestilt. 

Ved afhentning af autocamper, betales et depositum på kr. 5500,-, dette tilbagebetales senest 14 dage efter bilen er tilbagekommet i uskadt stand, og afleveret som aftalt i lejebetingelserne.

Vælg en afbestillingsforsikring og få alle* dine penge tilbage, hvis du er nødt til at afmelde din ferie – uanset årsag. Booker du autocamperen uden at bestille en afbestillingsforsikring, bindes du for det fulde beløb, uanset hvornår du afbestiller. Vi anbefaler derfor alle at tilkøbe denne forsikring.

Hvad består en afbestillingsforsikring af:

  • En afbestillingsforsikring koster 300 kr.
  • Køber du en afbestillingsforsikring og får brug for at afbestille din ferie, kan du op til 20 dage før din lejeperiode på autocamperen starter, få det fulde beløb retur.* 
  • Køber du en afbestillingsforsikring og afbestiller din ferie under 20 dage før din lejeperiode starter, får du halvdelen af beløbet retur.*

Afbestillingsforsikring skal købes samtidig med du booker autocamperen i vores online booking system.
*Der fratrækkes et administrationsgebyr på 300 kr. plus afbestillingsforsikringen. 

Det må du køre:
1 uges leje: Fri kørsel op til 2000 km. Derudover betales 2,00 kr. pr. km.
2 ugers leje: Fri kørsel op til 4000 km. Derudover betales 2,00 kr. pr. km.
3 ugers leje: Fri kørsel op til 7000 km. Derudover betales 2,00 kr. pr. km. 

Ansvars og kaskoforsikring er indeholdt i lejeperioden.
Lejers selvrisiko på kaskoforsikringen er kr. 5000,-. Lejeren hæfter desuden fuldt ud for enhver skade, der ikke dækkes af forsikringen, herunder for skader, der skyldes lejerens forsømmelse ved behandling af autocamperen. Lejer er gjort opmærksom på, at der på forsikringen ved glasskader inkl. stenslag er en selvrisiko på kr. 1500,-. Afregningen på dette sker ved aflevering af autocamperen. 

Det er de generelle SOS INTERNATIONAL bestemmelser der er gældende. I henhold til disse bestemmelser er en evt. hjemtransport fra udlandet dækket. Personlige ejendele er ikke omfattet af bilens forsikring. 

Ved tyveri og andet:
Camperens forsikring dækker for skader på inventar, hvis der optages politirapport på stedet og kopi heraf hjemtages. Det er lejers ansvar, at der optages politirapport.

Lejers egen indboforsikring dækker normalt Lejers gods, hvis det politianmeldes. Udlejer har intet ansvar for tyveri af personlige ejendele el. lignende. 

Lejers ansvar:
Lejer har det fulde ansvar for autocamperen i lejeperioden, herunder vand, olie, luft, punktering, stenslag m.v. og udlejer hæfter ikke for skader, som opstår på baggrund af lejers forsømmelser ved ikke at varetage alm. vedligehold og eftersyn på autocamperen i lejeperioden. 

Eventuelle mekaniske fejl, som ikke skyldes lejers forsømmelser eller adfærd i øvrigt dækkes af udlejer, efter nærmere aftale og kan ikke udføres uden nærmere aftale med udlejer. Udbedring skal foretages af autoriseret værksted. 

Det er desuden lejers ansvar, selv at sørge for betaling af eventuelle parkeringsafgifter, broafgifter, vejafgifter mv. samt eventuelle trafikforseelser, idet disse er udlejer uvedkommende. 

Slidskader m.v.: Reparationer over 1.000 kr. skal aftales med udlejer før reparation. Regningen betales af udlejer ved hjemkomst, hvis det er aftalt (gælder dog ikke stenslag, jf. afsnit om forsikring). Lejer hæfter for slidskadereparationer, der skyldes uansvarlig behandling af autocamperen. 

Ved færdselsuheld eller lign. i lejeperioden:
• Sørg for at få optaget politirapport – og tag aldrig skylden på Dem i udlandet – det kan blive dyrt. Husk at meddele udlejer alle detaljer om hændelsesforløbet.
• Udlejer opfordrer lejer ved benyttelse af autocamperen i udlandet, at sætte sig grundigt ind i hvert lands trafikregler, idet lejer hæfter for alle politimæssige anliggender eller andre krav, som skyldes lejerens brug af køretøjet. Udlejer kan således ikke gøres ansvarlig herfor. Dette gælder ligeledes samtlige øvrige trafikforseelser, herunder fartbøder, parkeringsbøder mv. samt andre krav, som kan relatere sig til lejeforholdet.

Selvforskyldte skader:
Som oplyst under punktet forsikring hæfter lejer for skader, som ikke er omfattet af forsikringen, herunder ting i autocamperen som ødelægges, evt. skader på møbler eller andet inventar.

Fejlagtig påfyldning af dieselolie i ferskvandstank indebærer udskiftning af tank, slanger og varmtvandsbeholder. Denne udskiftning er heller ikke omfattet af forsikringen, og skal derfor betales af lejeren. En sådan skade beløber sig til ca. 28.000 kr. Skader efter fejlagtig betjening af bilen eller installationer i camperen er desuden ikke dækket af forsikringen, og skal derfor erstattes af lejeren. Selvrisikoforsikringen dækker ikke her.
Ovenstående betales ved tilbagelevering af autocamperen.

Afhentning og aflevering:

Ved afhentning vil lejeren få udleveret tjekliste til gennemgang af bilen for evt. fejl og mangler. Afhentning skal ske på den i lejekontraktens fastsatte dag, normalt efter kl. 16:00. Aflevering skal ligeledes ske på den, i lejekontraktens fastsatte dag, normalt senest kl. 11.00. Autocamperen afhentes og leveres på udlejers, til enhver tid værende hjemsted, jf. lejekontrakten, den kan dog leveres og afhentes på lejers danske adresse for et merbeløb afhængig af bopælsadresse (I flg. aftale). 

Af hensyn til næste lejer er det vigtigt med rettidig aflevering. Der kan naturligvis opstå situationer, hvor lejer bliver forhindret i at aflevere autocamperen til det aftalte tidspunkt, og i en sådan situation bedes lejer kontakte udlejer med det samme. Ved forsinket aflevering betaler lejer kr. 500,- pr. påbegyndt time.  Autocamperen afleveres med tømt spildevands- og toilettank. Der opkræves kr. 1000,-, hvis toilettanken ikke er tømt ved aflevering af autocamper.
Autocamperen afleveres som aftalt skriftligt i lejebetingelserne. Lejer behøver ikke vaske autocamperen udvendigt. Autocamperen leveres og afleveres med fuld brændstoftank. Ved manglende påfyldning fylder udlejer selv på, til 20 kr./L, for lejers regning.

Ved aflevering af autocamper skal forbruget opgøres, og det bliver udregnet med det samme, hvad lejer skal have tilbage af depositummet. Udlejer har 24 timer til at tjekke autocamperen for fejl og mangler, og kontakte lejer ang. evt. skader, mangler mm. der har fundet sted i udlejningsperioden.
Beregn venligst ca. 1 time til henholdsvis afhentning og aflevering.
Ved aflevering af autocamperen før tid, tilbagebetales ikke for denne periode. 

Under rejsen:
Lejer får udleveret en kontaktliste ved afhentning af autocamperen, således at lejer kan kontakte udlejer vedr. spørgsmål eller andet. Er der tale om en skade eller lign. så autocamperen ikke kan køre, skal lejeren kontakte SOS INTERNATIONAL, som herefter vil sørge for assistance og evt. bugsering.
Sker der skader under rejsen, er lejeren forpligtet til at tage billeder af skaden, skadestedet, evt. modpartens nummerplade og andet der findes nødvendigt i tilfælde af en senere forsikringssag, idet udlejer er uden ansvar, hvis forsikringen ikke dækker, på grund af manglende dokumentation fra lejer. 

Eventuelle bøder, der ikke direkte og uden tvivl kan tilskrives udlejer, tilskrives lejeren af autocamperen.

Forbehold og garanti fra udlejer:
Kan det lejede køretøj ikke udleveres grundet alvorlige skader, fejl, mekanisk nedbrud mv., forsøger udlejer at fremskaffe et tilsvarende køretøj fra andre udlejere. Såfremt erstatningskøretøjet varierer i størrelse, refunderes alene lejedifferencen, såfremt køretøjet er mindre i størrelse/billigere i pris end det lejede. Lejedifferencen beregnes som forskellen på den camper som lejer har lejet hos udlejer og lejen, som udlejer skal give for leje af et erstatningskøretøj. Såfremt det er umuligt for udlejer at fremskaffe erstatnings køretøj, tilbagebetales den fulde leje, samt depositum. Yderligere kompensation ydes ikke.

Lejer kan ikke kræve erstatning for tabt ferie forårsaget af uheld med den lejede autocamper, jf. pkt. ”Ved færdselsuheld eller lign. i lejeperioden”. Ej heller som følge af mekaniske fejl eller ved eventuelle fejl i autocamperens tekniske installationer, herunder mekanisk varmeanlæg, vandhaner, toilet mv. 

Hvis der under lejemålet springer en sikring, en vandpumpe holder op med at fungere, eller der sker andre mindre tekniske fejl, er det lejers pligt at få dette udbedret. Lejer kan frit indkøbe nye dele op til max. kr. 500,- som refunderes af udlejer mod aflevering af bilag. Det er dog god kutyme, at informere udlejer ved enten sms, mail eller opkald og der må samlet kun købes for kr. 2000,- uden forudgået tilladelse fra udlejer, hvis det bliver nødvendigt med flere køb. 

Ekstra tilkøb:
10 kg gas, kr. 225,00 pr. flaske (Der er plads til 2 flasker)

Dokkedalvej 100, 9560 Hadsund
Tlf. +45 98588032
Mobil +45 40613845
Cvr. nr. 25303784

Vi tager generelt forbehold for trykfejl, udstyr, priser og beskrivelser.

Rules and regulation for season campers

General Rules

  1. The rental agreement only applies to the persons listed in the agreement. It is not permitted to take up permanent residence at the campsite, just as personal registration at the campsite’s address may not take place.
  2. Overnight guests must pay the normal overnight stay fee.
  3. Daytime guests may not drive into the campsite, but must park in the car park. Daytime guests who stay on the campsite after 23.00 are considered overnight guests and are charged the usual overnight stay fee.
  4. The tenant cannot transfer his rights according to the rental agreement to others, just as the tenant cannot sublet the seasonal space (any subletting must be approved by the campsite).
  5. The seasonal pitch must be put into use no later than 1 month after the start of the tenancy.
  6. In the event of the tenant’s temporary moving the caravan during holidays, the tenant manager reserves the right to dispose of the pitch. If the tenant simultaneously announces the return date, the camp manager will, as far as possible, ensure that the tenant per this date again can use the pitch. If this is not possible, the tenant will be offered another pitch until the rented pitch becomes available again.
  7. The waste containers may only be used for ordinary kitchen waste, etc. Other waste (e.g chairs, refrigerators, blankets, awnings, etc.) must be removed by the camper him/herself, if the camp manager cannot designate a place for this.
  8. During the rental period, the tenant is entitled to use the seasonal pitch for setting up a caravan with an awning or for pitching a tent. Only 1 car may be parked (2 on large spaces with additional purchase) on the seasonal site. Boats, trailers and the like. may only be included and parked by prior agreement.
  9. It is not permitted to make shortcuts through plantings and fences – roads and paths must be used.
  10. In the time period at 23.00- 07.00 all motoring is prohibited (gate opening between 23.00 and 7.00 is paid in cash DKK 300, unless it is an emergency).
  11. The tenant is obliged to comply with the provisions of: a) The Ministry of the Environment and Energy’s camping regulations of 26 January 2000 and the related regulations on the mobility of caravans, the layout of unit pitches and the Camping Council’s ID number scheme. The rules on the mobility of the caravans and the layout of the unit pitches are attached to the contract as appendices A and B, and the tenant declares by signing the contract to have received the appendices. b) the applicable rules of order on the campsites approved by the Camping Council. The camp manager’s instructions in accordance with both section a as b must always be followed.
  12. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the seasonal pitch must be cleared and cleaned by the tenant on the date of expiry of the rental agreement. If the tenant does not carry out the clean-up, the camp manager is entitled to have it carried out, as a fixed fee of DKK 500.00 will be charged to the tenant. The camp manager is not responsible of any kind for effects left behind – including caravans/tents.
  13. It is considered a significant breach of the rental agreement if the seasonal pitch is not paid on time. However, it is a condition for asserting non-compliance that the due amount is not paid after the lapse of 7 days after the demand has been sent to the tenant by ordinary letter/email. When sending a claim, a processing fee of DKK 300.00 is incurred, which is added to the amount owed. That the provisions contained in these General rental conditions are not complied with by the tenant and his household – including special reference to the content of section 11. The above-mentioned list of what is considered a significant breach is only an example and is not exhaustive. In the event of significant breach, the camp manager is entitled to immediately expel the tenant from the campsite and terminate the rental agreement with immediate effect. If the tenant owes any amount in connection with the termination or expiration of the lease, the camp manager reserves the right, in addition to usual legal steps, to either exercise the right of lien on the tenant’s caravan until the debt is paid or to remove the caravan from the seasonal site and place it with effects on public land at the tenant’s expense and risk in any respect. However, it is a prerequisite that the tenant has been unsuccessfully invited to pick up the caravan and tidy up the seasonal pitch with 8 days’ notice by ordinary letter/email. If the tenant does not owe any amount in connection with the camp manager’s cancellation of the rental agreement or its expiry otherwise, the camp manager reserves the right, in addition to usual legal steps, to place the caravan with effects on public land after sending a demand as stated above.
  14. Any disagreement that may arise between the parties in connection with this agreement will be settled by the court in Aalborg, which has been agreed as the parties’ place of jurisdiction.
  15. All amounts are incl. 25% VAT. Reservations are made for VAT and tax increases.

Mobility requirements – appendix A

(To be seen in connection with the layout of the unit spaces, the ID number scheme and the control function)

Caravans do not necessarily have to be of such a technical/mechanical condition that they can easily be approved for a traffic registration by the Motor Vehicle Inspectorate. It is the camp manager’s responsibility to ensure that the guest fulfills the following:

  • The towing equipment must be usable and firmly mounted on the caravan.
  • The caravan must be fitted with functional rims and tyres.
  • Bricking up the caravan’s support leg – possibly with bucks ○ is allowed.
  • Apart from a possible awning, which must be able to be quickly removed, the caravan must be immediately mobile (removable). There must be no small or large additions or healing constructions, e.g. under the caravan of a material such as waterproof veneer etc. that cannot be immediately removed.
    The layout of the unit spaces – appendix B

(To be seen in connection with the mobility requirement, the ID number scheme and the control function)

1) Planting

The unit pitches can be fenced by the camp manager with plantings according to an overall plan for the entire campsite.

The planting must not prevent a caravan – regardless of size – from being driven to and from the unit site at any time.

It is recommended that there is no more than 3 sides of the pitch with plants – if additional plants are present or made, at least half of the 4th side (the road frontage) must be without plants.

2) Fence

The commercially available fences may be set up – however not unto wooden structures or the campsite’s trees.

Fixed and permanent fences – for example wicker fences, plastic fences, wire fences, etc. – may not be set up.

However, in connection with new plantings around the unit site, the camp manager can temporarily set up a smaller wire fence or foot fence to protect the plants.

3) Gardens

Utility and ornamental gardens must not be established, just as the planting of flowers and the like must not take place on the pitch 

Setting up a small number of removable plant pots can take place immediately next to the caravan, if the camp manager at the individual campsite accepts this.

4) Coatings

According to the camp manager’s instructions, 2 rows of driving tiles can be laid at the level of natural terrain/corresponding terrain reinforcement, so that driving to and from the unit site can take place without inconvenience or damage.

Instead of road tiles, however, the use of grass reinforcement stones is recommended for the sake of the visual impression.

Furthermore, digging must not be done on the unit site, just as terraces made of tiles, wood or the like must not be constructed.

In awnings, the establishment of a tent floor consisting of carpet, wooden covering, tiles or the like is accepted.

5) Building constructions, etc.

Buildings/parts of buildings may not be erected in any form – either free-standing or attached to the erected caravan.

According to the camp manager’s instructions, it is permitted to set up a normal awning for the caravan in tent cloth and without fixed walls, gutters, windows and doors. The awning must be able to be taken down within 15-30 minutes.

6) Antennas etc.

Free-standing antenna masts, flagpoles and the like may not be erected on the unit site. Antennas, incl. satellite dishes are accepted when mounted on the caravan.

Force Majeure

If the rental is prevented by circumstances beyond Kattegat Strand Camping’s influence (disaster, riots, strike, pandemics, Covid-19 or the like), Kattegat Strand Camping is not liable for this, and no compensation is due to the tenant.

Right of withdrawal and refund

Any complaints must be made immediately after arrival or immediately after the fault has occurred. Claims for compensation must be notified in writing to Kattegat Strand Camping before departure. Reservations are made for possible printing errors, price increases and the like.

Booking is binding and cannot be refunded in case of cancellation, unless cancellation insurance has been purchased in advance and the rules are therefore complied with (cf. cancellation insurance).

Prices and offers

Season prices are listed on our website. Full availability does not apply to rental or to a third person.


You can find good offers on our website or via our newsletter.
The offers cannot be combined with other discounts.

Economy pitch
We offer cheaper alternatives to standard pitches which we call budget pitch. They are cheaper but with the same guarantee for a great holiday.

Young people

We do NOT accept groups of young people under the age of 21 without parents at Kattegat Strand Camping.
Applies to general camping, luxury cabins and tipi rentals. If you are in doubt as to whether we consider you a group, contact us on +45 98 58 80 32

Cancellation insurance

Choose cancellation insurance and get all* your money back, if you have to cancel your holiday.
If you book your holiday without ordering cancellation insurance, you are liable for the full amount, regardless of when you cancel. We therefore recommend that all our campers purchase this insurance.

The cancellation insurance consist of:

A cancellation insurance costs from DKK 75 and up to DKK 300, depending on the period, whether you have booked a standard pitch, a tipi or a family cabin.
If you buy cancellation insurance and need to cancel your holiday, you can get the full amount back up to 20 days before your holiday starts.*
If you buy cancellation insurance and cancel your holiday less than 20 days before your holiday starts, you will get half of the amount back.*
Cancellation insurance must be purchased at the same time you book your holiday in our online booking system.
*An administration fee of DKK 300 plus the cancellation insurance is deducted.


FlexCamp gives you the option to freely move your reservation to another period without extra costs. It gives you great flexibility and makes it possible for you to book a holiday without worries

Choose FlexCamp and get the option to move your reservation if you:

  • Being prevented from your pre-booked holiday
  • The weather forecast does not turn out as expected
  • You or your family member gets sick.

Please note:
FlexCamp can be used within and across seasons, but if you move e.g. your holiday from the low season to the peak season, you must pay the difference.
FlexCamp only applies within the same season (year), if not other is agreed. 

You can purchase FlexCamp when you book your holiday in our online booking system

Choose your own pitch

In our online booking it is possible to use “Choose your own pitch”. This option enables you to choose your own pitch freely on the campsite map*

Occasionally, situations arise where, for practical reasons, we are forced to move a reservation to another pitch.
However, it is always in the same area and the same pitch type. If this is the case, you do not have to pay for this option. Please note, that it is a condition when you stay at Kattegat Strand Camping.

*some offers (ACSI, Senior offers, etc.) will have limited pitches available.

Booking conditions

When you have booked a pitch, cabin or tipi, Kattegat Strand Camping will send you a booking confirmation. The order is binding.
We endeavor to keep your reserved pitch or unit free, but in rare cases the reservation may be moved to another similar pitch in the same area.
If you depart before the end of the reservation period, no money will be returned.

Terms and conditions



In the following you will find useful information in connection with the use of online booking. You can read about how we process your entered information, how you receive your receipt in connection with a purchase and much more. We point out that your booking is not covered by the Consumer Contracts Act’s rules on the right of cancellation. The sale of accommodation (cabins, teepees, camping, etc.) is covered by a special exception provision in the Consumer Contracts Act prgf. 18 pcs. 2 no. 12. The booking made is thus not covered by a 14-day right of cancellation. The reason for this lies in the fact that re-renting a reserved cabin/tepee/space that is canceled just a few days before arrival will often not be possible.

If you book a stay with your own caravan/tent/motorhome or stay in a cabin or tipi, the full amount is paid immediately after the booking has been made. Immediately after receiving the order, Kattegat Strand Camping sends the rental certificate by e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail with your rental certificate, please check your spam and/or junk mail.

On receipt of the rental certificate, it is the tenant’s responsibility to ensure that the period and the selected unit are correct.

Cancellation of paid stays where cancellation insurance has not been purchased does not entail any return of the amount paid.

We recommend that you purchase our cancellation insurance when you book a stay with Kattegat Strand Camping. That way you are protected if you need to cancel your booking.

When booking online, the following applies
Choose cancellation insurance and get all* your money back if you have to cancel your holiday – for whatever reason. If you book your holiday without ordering cancellation insurance, you are liable for the full amount, regardless of when you cancel. We therefore recommend that all our campers purchase this insurance.

What does cancellation insurance consist of:

  • A cancellation insurance costs from DKK 75 and up to DKK 300, depending on the period, whether you have booked a regular place, live in a tipi or a family cabin.
  • If you buy cancellation insurance and need to cancel your holiday, you can get the full amount back up to 20 days before your holiday starts.*
  • If you buy cancellation insurance and cancel your holiday less than 20 days before your holiday starts, you will get half of the amount back.*

Cancellation insurance must be purchased at the same time you book your holiday in our online booking system.

*An administration fee of DKK 300 plus the cancellation insurance is deducted.

When booking by telephone, the following applies

  • The cancellation insurance is automatically applied to your invoice by the receptionist.
  • If you do not want cancellation insurance, do as follows:
  • In the case of bank transfer, you must deduct the price of the cancellation insurance yourself if it is not desired.
  • When paying via online payment link, you must contact us by phone if you do not want the cancellation insurance.

When booking online, the following applies

You must choose yourself whether you want Cancellation Protection.
Our cancellation insurance does NOT cover if you have to interrupt your stay.
After payment, the cancellation insurance can no longer be ordered/cancelled.

Dogs are welcome on the campsite as well as in our cabins and teepees. A separate price is charged for bringing dogs. If you bring a dog into our cabins without prepayment, a cleaning supplement of DKK 400 will be charged.

We do NOT accept groups of young people under the age of 21 camping without parents at Kattegat Strand Camping. Applies to both general camping, luxury cabins and teepee rentals. If you are in doubt as to whether we consider you a group, contact us on +45 98 58 80 32


Check-in 12:00 – 22:00
Check-in for family cabins 15:00 – 22:00

Note! In case of later arrival, contact us on phone +45 9858 8032 or email

Check-out during the summer holidays (weeks 26 to 34) from 8:00 – 12:00
Check-out in low season from 8:00 – 14:00

Check-out during the summer holidays (weeks 26 to 34) for family cabins from 8:00 – 10:00
Check-out for family cabins in low season from 8:00 – 12:00

If you wish to stay longer on the site (does not apply to cabins) than the specified times, the price is as follows:

Summer vacation (weeks 26 to 34)
From 12:00 – 17:00: (price see website) incl. caravan and people.
After 17:00: paid for an extra day.

Low season
From 14:00 – 17:00: paid general guest ticket.
After 17:00: paid for an extra day.

Kattegat Strand Camping assumes no responsibility for the guest’s ability to use the rental. If you as a guest are cut off from the possibility of transport to and from the campsite (for example due to canceled flight/train departures, problems with the car, the traffic, border closing, etc.) you will not be compensated.

All cabins and tipis are non-smoking. This also applies to e-cigarettes. If this is violated, a cleaning fee of min. DKK 1,500,- will be paid.
Smoking on the campsite in general: Show consideration in outdoor communal areas and remember that cigarette butts belong in the bin. Smoking is not permitted in indoor common areas. This also applies to e-cigarettes.

Renters of cabins and tipi are fully responsible for the furniture in the rental unit. Deficiencies and damages caused by the tenant are settled upon departure. The person who entered into the lease is also liable for damages caused by other residents and guests in the lease. Cabins and tipis may be occupied by a maximum of the number of people stated in the price list. A person over the age of 18 must be present during the entire stay.

Due to hygiene reasons, there may be facilities with limited access during your stay. There may be areas that are temporarily closed or areas/facilities that will be closed for the entire stay. This does not give rise to a refund of part or all of your stay.

At Kattegat Strand Camping, we will do everything to make your stay something very special. However, mistakes will always occur and if there are things you as guests are dissatisfied with, you must contact the reception as soon as possible. Should a rental unit be inadequately cleaned, or should there be damage to the rental unit that we have overlooked, you must contact the reception immediately after arrival (within 2 hours) in order to have this defect rectified. Complaints about, for example, cleaning that is not carried out until departure, will not be processed.
Kattegat Strand Camping cannot be held responsible for occurrences of animals and insects, as the campsite is located in a natural area.
If you wish to give a complaint after you have returned home, you can write to us at the email address no later than 7 days after departure.
In the event of a disagreement, a possible lawsuit is brought before the Court in Aalborg and cases must be decided according to Danish law.

According to data protection legislation, Kattegat Strand Camping is the data controller. Any inquiry regarding data protection must be addressed in writing to
Kattegat Strand Camping processes the personal data provided by the tenant in connection with the booking, because it is necessary to be able to complete the order and thus also fulfill the rental agreement, as well as to comply with any other obligations pursuant to the agreements entered into between Kattegat Strand Camping and the tenant.
As a tenant, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for these purposes at any time.
Kattegat Strand Camping passes on, to the extent necessary, relevant information contained in this agreement to business partners (e.g. cleaning company, credit card company, insurance companies and public authorities) in order to be able to complete the rental, collect correct and secure payment or to the extent that is necessary according to the legislation in force at any given time.
Kattegat Strand Camping only transfers personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA to the extent necessary and only where there are adequate guarantees for a sufficient level of protection in accordance with the legislation in force at any time.
Personal data is stored only for the period it is necessary according to the relevant purpose or according to applicable legislation.
As a registered tenant, the tenant has the right to be informed about – and obtain a copy of the data – that Kattegat Strand Camping has registered and to have such information/data corrected or changed if this should prove to be incorrect. The tenant also has the right to have information/data deleted if this is no longer necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, or if the processing is illegal. Finally, the tenant has the right to request Kattegat Strand Camping to limit the processing of the data in question.
Kattegat Strand Camping uses server-side cookies and a secure connection to ensure the security of the information you provide as a guest on our website.
When paying by credit card, the registration takes place via a secure server, where the information is encrypted before being sent via the Internet.

The prices at Kattegat Strand Camping are continuously adjusted and the current prices can be found on our website. We reserve the right to cancel a rental agreement due to typos and/or printing errors. Offers cannot be combined.

If the implementation of the rental agreement is not possible – or is made significantly more difficult – as a result of force majeure or conditions which can be equated with this, including but not limited to: War, riots, natural disasters, oil and petrol rationing, pollution disasters, epidemics, pandemics , suspension of currency trading, unusual weather conditions, drought, floods, border closure, traffic conditions, strike, lockout and the like, which could not be foreseen when the rental agreement was entered into, Kattegat Strand Camping is entitled to cancel the rental agreement as Kattegat Strand Camping cannot be held responsible in said coincidence.

In such cases, Kattegat Strand Camping is obliged to inform the tenant as soon as possible. The tenant is not entitled to reimbursement of amounts paid. However, the tenant will receive a credit certificate for the amount paid. Credit vouchers can be used to purchase a new stay within a 3-year period.


Kattegat Strand Camping
Dokkedalvej 100
9560 Hadsund
Phone: +45 98 58 80 32

CVR no.: 25303784

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Find our cookie and privacy policy here.

Family Cabins


